Veron@ quotidiano - edizione del 27 novembre 2002

Petrolio e inquinamento: chi paga?

Nostra inchiesta

Di Flavio Filini

Dopo la denuncia di Greepeace, riportata anche dal nostro giornale, abbiamo trovato conferma della facilita' con cui e' possibile registrare navi di qualsiasi genere in paesi compiacenti.


Qualsiasi nave e' accettato per la registrazione senza distinzione di tonnellaggio, eta', nazionalita' o luogo di residenza dei proprietari, ufficiali e ciurma.

(Any vessel is accepted for registration regardless of tonnage, age, nationality or place of incorporation of owners and nationality of officers and crew.)

Il processo di registrazione (provvisoria) richiede circa 2 giorni

(The provisional registration can be obtained upon submission of the following forms to be previously supplied by Cambodia:

Application Form for registration (Form A1) duly signed and notarized

Declaration of Ownership (Form A2) duly signed and notarized

Owner's Undertaking (Form A3) duly signed and notarized

The registration process takes approximately 2 days.)

La registrazione permanente puo' essere ottenuta in corca 10 giorni

(Permanent Registration

The permanent registration can be obtained upon submission of the following documents:

Original Application Form for registration (Form A1)

Original Declaration of Ownership (Form A3)

Certified true copy of Tonnage Certificate

Certified true copy of the Registration Certificate from previous Registry

Deletion Certificate from previous Registry or notarized Affidavit from the shipowner confirming the submission of the Deletion Certificate within 30 days from the date of the Affidavit

Certified Carving & Marking Note

The permanent registration can be obtained in approximately 10 days upon submission of all necessary documents.)


Costa Rica (Republic of)

Non ci sono limiti di eta' per la registrazione delle navi

(There is no vessel age requirement for registration.)


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